Use Trello For Personal and Business

Picture of Trello in browser window

Anybody that knows me, knows I love Trello, and for good reason. In this short blog post, I want to give you some ideas on how you can leverage this amazing productivity tool both for your business and personal life. Hopefully, after you read this and watch the video included, you’ll understand the power of this tool and why I’m so passionate about it.

Watch this video on how you can leverage the power of Trello

Here are some ways I use Trello. Take them, tweak them, and make them your own.

Board Name: Goals

  • 6 Months or less
  • 1 Year
  • 2 Year
  • 3 Year
  • 4 Year
  • 5 Year
  • 10 Year
  • Completed
  • Reference Materials

Board Name: All Tasks – BlueSoft

  • Daily Task List
  • Working In Business
  • Working On Business
  • Low Priority
  • Waiting For
  • Delegate It
  • Completed
  • Training & Education
  • Projects
  • Reference Materials
  • Software / Services
  • Someday / Maybe
  • Butler

Board Name: Fitness & Nutrition

  • To Do
  • Completed
  • Workout Routines
  • Quick & Healthy Foods
  • Grocery Lists
  • Supplements
  • Nutrition Reference
  • Meal Prep Recipes & Snacks
  • Reference Materials

Board Name: Content Creation

  • Article Ideas
  • Writing
  • Waiting For
  • Ready to be Published
  • Completed
  • Reference Materials
  • Someday / Maybe

Need more inspiration? Check out Trello’s library of inspiration.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Elevate your business online with BlueSoft, LLC. We specialize in web design and digital marketing strategies tailored to your needs. Ready to ignite your growth? Schedule your free consultation today and let’s turn potential into success!


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