Top Five Logo Designs That Will Never Go Out Of Style

Top Five Logo Designs That Will Never Go Out Of Style

Businesses come and go with predictable

regularity, but there are logos that just seem to stick in our heads, even long
after the company itself has disappeared.

And for those companies that manage to survive
and even thrive, a
memorable logo is a must-have

But not all logo types are created equal, and
there are plenty of examples out there of logos which are hopelessly out of
date, or which were truly uninspired, to begin with.

On the other hand, there are examples of logo
designs that age extremely well and continue to represent their brand with
freshness and appeal.

If you’re on the hunt for a type of logo that will serve you well on into the future, here are five logo designs that have been around for a long time, and which will always be in vogue.

Lettermark logo samples

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Iconic Logo

An iconic logo is a logo that is designed
around an icon. This can be an abstract or symbolic pictorial, or even a direct
representation of the company or goods that it offers — there’s a lot of leeway
here, and what icon you settle on depends a great deal on the type of company
you’re designing for.

Iconic logos can also be referred to as symbolic logos, pictorial marks, or even brand marks.

A great example of a famous iconic logo is the Apple apple. This logo has gone through some morphs, changes, and adaptations over the years, most of which involved alterations in color rather than shape or form. That helped this iconic logo to become iconic in all senses of the word — it is one of the most easily recognized icons in the world.

Lettermark Logo

A lettermark logo is a typography-based logo
which lets the chosen typeface take the center spot in creating a face for the

Lettermarks (and their longer cousins
wordmarks) are popular choices because they are such a clear representation of
the company. And they lend themselves very well to adaptability, scalability, and a variety of

Lettermarks are simple. They can be a single
letter, or they can be two or three, such as found in a monogram logo.

The key to a good lettermark logo
( is the wise choice of font. A
typeface can make or break this type of logo; it needs to be user-friendly and
easy to read while still being unique, interesting, and memorable.

Well known lettermark logos include examples
such as HBO, NASA, and CNN.

Abstract Logo

If you want to create the impression that your
company is made up of deep thinkers, an abstract logo might be the way to go.

Abstract logos are generally shapes which are,
appropriately enough, qualified as abstract. This means that, though they may
have inspiration in a particular real-world object, they aren’t always
immediately identifiable as such.

Alternatively, an abstract logo could be based on the feeling behind a brand, or the emotions evoked by the brand. A classic example is the Nike swoosh: it would be hard to explain exactly why that swoosh is so evocative, but Nike’s abstract example has truly come to embody the “get up and go” attitude reflected by the brand’s tagline, “Just do it.”

Black And White

On the other hand, if you’re concerned about
expressing dignity, a “cutting edge” feel, glamour, or sophistication, or any
combination of those, then a black and white logo may be perfect for the brand
you’re designing for.

Black and white logos are often combined with
other types, most famously logotypes — lettermark, wordmark, or monogram logos.

Color is an important consideration for any piece of graphic design, and a black and white color scheme can be just as striking as something in bright colors like reds and yellows. Sometimes, even more, striking, depending on the design and the circumstances.

Classic, classy black and white logo examples include such fashion houses as Gucci and Prada, and sports designers like Puma and Adidas.

Mascot Logo

As a final enduring logotype to consider for
your long-lasting logo, mascot logos also bring something different to the
table. Mascot logos provide a “face” for a brand, which gives the audience
something to connect with and identify with.

Mascot logos are often quite colorful and
family-friendly. They’re designed to appeal to a wide variety of customers and
are frequently tied to brands like food products and sports teams. The fact
that they’re used by every sports team out there, in fact, should well
illustrate how good mascots are at engaging the audience and getting potential
customers to “root” for the brand.

Famous and enduring mascots include Tony the Tiger for Frosted Flakes and Colonel Sanders for Kentucky Fried Chicken.

The Perennial Update

One thing to note, especially considering
these five logo types, is that a logo which never goes out of style does not
necessarily mean that you won’t want to upgrade, update, or re-brand at some
point down the line.

Often, logos which are still perfectly
functional and helpful for a brand are given a “facelift.” This usually happens
due to changes within the brand, and the need to bring the logo up to speed
with those changes, rather than because the logo itself is “out of style.”

Logo design is an ever-changing, constantly
shifting thing. Which isn’t bad, in itself, because art of any kind should not
be static.

At the same time, while we expect more hot takes on these logo categories with each brand that is launched, we’re confident that these enduring logo designs will be just as popular ten years from now as they are today.

Author Bio

Olivia Harris is a freelance writer who loves coffee, cats and churros, not in any particular order. She travels to write, writes to travel. Work with her by contacting her here

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